How we survived the first month

When I first introduced you to Nora, I reflected about the big things we've learned since she entered the world.  Now it's time to get down to the nitty-gritty and share things that we couldn't have done without during this first month.

1. Love To Dream SwaddleUp

I've always been a swaddle believer.  With Charlotte, aden + anais muslin blankets and Halo swaddle sacks worked best.  Nora, however, insists on having her hands up when she sleeps, so this SwaddleUp sack has been a LIFESAVER!

2. Solly Baby Wrap + Sakura Bloom Ring Sling

Babywearing for the win!  Wearing Nora has served both to give me hands-free time and to soothe her.  I love both of these carriers, but mostly use the Solly Baby at home and Sakura Bloom when we're out.

3. L'oved Baby onesies

These onesies are made of such a great quality cotton, are pretty colors, and come with the option to "mitten" your babies hands - perfect for protecting newborn faces from their flying fingernails.  I've noticed they also do giveaways on Facebook every Tuesday, so check that out!

4. Graco Sweet Slumber Sound Machine

Nora has gotten used to napping with ambient noise during the daytime, so total silence at night was really too jarring for her.  So to create the perfect night sleeping space, we've loved the white noise option on the Graco sound machine - and it's nice that it also offers a soft nightlight, built-in music, and the ability to connect your phone or mp3 player.

5. Fisher-Price Rock 'n Play

This creates such a soothing space for a new baby: it's soft and cozy, slightly inclined, and has the option for vibration or rocking.  It's often has been the only place Nora would nap outside of our arms.  The downside?  We're concerned that the Rock 'n Play could create poor sleep habits because there's no way a crib can compete with all those features.  That being said, for now, we decided the risk is worth it to give Nora good sleep - and to give us a little peace!

6. 4moms Breeze Playard

We use the bassinet portion of the breeze in our family room to have a downstairs changing spot and to give Nora a safe place to kick around during her awake time.  We love the modern design - and when we need to move it, SO EASY because of the "one step" open + close!


Our pediatrician shared that Gas Relief Drops are hit and miss with babies.  Thankfully, after a couple weeks of lots of gassy fussiness, we found that these were a total hit for Nora.  Also something to check out?  Windi, by the makers of NoseFrida!

8. Breastfeeding accessories

I wrote yesterday that breastfeeding is hard, but AWESOME.  If you plan on trying to nurse, I'd recommend on stocking up on nursing pads, lanolin, soothing gel pads, and nipple shields.  They'll help!

9. Amazon Prime

When baby is first born, it's nice to be able to hunker down and stay home.  With free (quick!) shipping and returns, I channeled my usual propensity for #TargetRuns to online shopping instead.  I'm not sure that this is necessarily a great thing (haha!), but if you're going to do it, Amazon Prime is the way to go!

10. Sprout Baby App

When Charlotte was born, we diligently recorded all her activities in a handy Eat, Sleep, Poop journal.  It was important to keep records so we knew what has happening with baby and could relay it when necessary to our pediatrician.  And now I'm thrilled to find a similar tool in the form of an app.  You can even link multiple devices to the same account so that Mom, Dad, and Grandparents or other caregivers can all have access when they're in charge of the little one.